













Very reflective about how our repertoire shapes our lives.

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A Designer doesn't live by Design alone.

The larger your repertoire, the greater your ability to make connections that other people haven't yet made. And the more interests you have, the more interesting you become.

There's nothing more frustrating than meeting or spending time with people who only know how to talk about other people. Did you see that so-and-so got married? And so-and-so who broke up with so-and-so? And Mariazinha who caused a huge scandal at Joãozinho's house because he was wearing her panties on the sly?

It is necessary to carefully filter the people you associate with. Don't be afraid to cut ties with superficial people if your goal is to go deeper.

Shallow people are like lifebuoys: they keep you afloat and give you a sense of tranquility and security, but if you want to see all the life that lives beneath the surface, you have to dive deep.

This edition of Stoa is a collection of almost everything that interests me (I'm certainly forgetting a lot). All the items on the list help me build my repertoire as a designer.

You might be surprised by some of the items.

The List

  • Philosophy

  • Hermetism

  • Estoicism

  • Budism

    • Ocultism

    • Magic

    • Kabbalah

    • Alchemy

    • Spirituality

  • Religions

  • Mythology

  • Ufology

  • History

  • Psichology

    • Neuroscience

    • Behavioral Sciences

    • Behavioral Economy

  • Environment

    • Sustainable Agriculture

    • Climate

    • Sustainability

  • Cars

    • Formula 1

    • Electric Cars

    • Rally

  • Finances

    • Investiments

    • Business Management Abroad

  • Languages

    • English

    • German

  • Architecture

  • Design

    • Interior Design

    • Motion Design

      • Micro-interactions

    • Typography

    • Colors

    • Brand Design

    • Graphic Design

    • Product Design

    • Digital Design

      • Automotive Interfaces

      • Physical Product Interfaces

      • Watch Interfaces

  • Woodwork

  • Travel

  • Photographie

  • Health Techs

  • Technology

  • Music

  • Science

  • Food

    • Vegetarianism

  • Radical sports

  • Politics

Each of these subjects is what makes me unique as an individual and a professional. Each thing I have consumed so far helps me build the design of tomorrow.

Just as good food strengthens our bodies, good content strengthens our minds. And a well-nourished mind is more capable of having good thoughts. And with good thoughts you can have good ideas. And good ideas lead to good Designs. And good Designs help more people.

What have you been eating recently? What nutrients for your mind are you prioritizing?